The 'Chance' Project

The basic goal of the project is to contribute to the improvement of life chances of disadvantaged children (incl. marginalized Roma) through having an impact on the development of early age/early childhood interventions, services, institutions and systems, especially through expanding the capacities of social, educational and civic professionals of this field working in the Slovak-Hungarian border area.

Expected outputs and results:
We aim to contribute to 

  1. improvement of the education, early childhood development and care of the abilities of disadvantaged children (incl. marginalized Roma) at an early age; 
  2. increased quality of work of professionals, experts of early childhood development and early childhood education and care; 
  3. in the long run to decreasing discrimination and negative stereotypes about the Roma, as well as to the interruption of the generational transmission of extreme poverty and multidimensional social exclusion.

Specific outputs realized through project activities:

  • a professional study will be prepared in English, Slovak and Hungarian on the availability and quality of early age interventions in the border area, on the situation and needs of the given target group,
  • two training courses for early childhood development and education and care professionals will take place in Hungary and in Slovakia as well, in the border region.
  • a cross-border round table discussion will be held to draw attention to the importance of early care and to promote cross-border cooperation between relevant professionals,
  • an on-line professional portal with rich professional knowledge in Slovak will be created (and content will be  translated into Hungarian), which will assist the cooperation of the participants and experts concerned as a knowledge collection and communication platform,
  • a collection of examples of good practice on early age interventions for disadvantaged children will be developed and disseminated in professional circles widely.