Support us

The Carpathian Foundation-Hungary carries out its development activities mainly by private donations, grants, please donate now to support our efforts.

Financial donations

Please transfer your donation directly to our bank account:

Kárpátok Alapítvány-Magyarország

ERSTE BANK HUNGARY ZRT ( Hungary, 3300, Eger, Dobó tér 1.) 

IBAN: HU83 1160 0006 0000 0000 7891 0845​
Swift code: GIBAHUHB​

Donate online

By financial donations you help us to continue our programs, if you would like to reconciliate personally regarding making a donation, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Boglárka Bata, director at or +36-36-516-750.

Establish a fund or a program!

You can establish a fund or a new program in-line with our objectives, just contact us!

In-kind contributions

We distribute the donated in-kind contributions to communities, schools, NGOs of the region.

Please promote us by presenting our logo.

Get involved!

Get involved, and volunteer at our organization! Please get in contact with Ms. Gabriella Szabó at, or +36-36-516-750.