
“Give Differently” - Our Christmas Campaign

 “Give Differently”

This year we would like to contribute to the conscious holiday preparations of our supporters, partners and donors through our “Give Differently” campaign instead of raising funds, or organizing a Christmas party.

The main aim of our “Give Differently” campaign is to raise awareness to the sustainable, smart, and socially useful money spending that concerns and validates community aspects, and to the various forms of giving and philanthropic activities.


Giving Tuesday

29 November 2016

Did you know that #GivingTuesday is a global day of giving celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

This day organizers and non-profit and charitable organizations taking part at this initiative would like to enhance giving primarily by the power of social media and collaboration. On this day individuals can meet several opportunities to get involved in their own communities through voluntary work as well.
