
The project is implemented in partnership of Kárpátok Alapítvány-Magyarország/ Carpathian Foundation-Hungary and Karpatská nadácia/Carpathian Foundation in Slovakia. 

The mission of the Carpathian Foundation-Hungary is to improve the quality of live of people living in the Carpathian Euroregion, and to preserve the social, ethnic, cultural and environmental values and sustainable development of the region.
The Foundation acts as a cross-border regional community foundation and primarily provides financial and technical assistance to NGOs and LSGs (local-self-governments) operating in the Hungarian part of the Carpathian Euroregion (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hajdú-Bihar, Heves, Jász- Nagykun- Szolnok, and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties).

Carpathian Foundation-Hungary encourages co-operation among non-profit, governmental and profit-oriented organizations, in the areas of rural community development, human resource development, preservation of cultural and environmental values, heritage, social integration by its programs and projects. Its goal is to strengthen social consciousness and regional identity by strengthening inherent values of the region.
The Foundation engages in both grant-making and programmatic activities, and since the beginning it has granted totally 15 million USD to hundreds of NGOs and LSGs.
Currently the Foundation runs its programs to fulfill the following main objectives: to support local development initiatives of NGOs and communities; to support disadvantaged rural areas and vulnerable groups; to raise social awareness and to support disadvantaged youth.


The Carpathian Foundation in Slovakia is a unique regional non-profit organisation and the only foundation in Slovakia to operate mainly in Eastern Slovakia – in the Košice and Prešov regions

„We are Easterners and we care about this part of Slovakia, the people who live here and the natural, cultural and historical heritage which we protect and build upon. Our mission is to lead people and organizations to accept responsibility for themselves, their communities, their region and their future.”

Since its establishment in 1994, the Foundation has been providing financial support, educational and advisory services for active individuals and non-profit organizations aiming to make life in Eastern Slovakia better. Since the beginning of our existence, we have supported more than thousand projects with funds amounting to almost € 2.5 mil.

It is bringing innovative solutions to local needs in Eastern Slovakia so that the people here could lead full and successful lives. Moreover, it establishes networks, share experience and build expertise of third sector organisations in Slovakia as well as abroad, mainly in Ukraine.

It is creating innovative ways to involve individuals and companies in the development of Eastern Slovakia and we strive to raise as much financial support as possible for local projects and active people who work to make this part of Slovakia a better place.

Both organizations are menbers of the prestigious International Carpathian Foundation Network and Transnational Giving Europe, a network of 20 organisations operating in 20 European countries. TGE allows individual and corporate donors based in TGE member states to support non-profit organisations in other network countries financially while enjoying local tax benefits.