On 10th February 2020 Lead Beneficiaries of small projects took over their Subsidy Contracts for small projects during the ceremony that was held in Office of the Košice Self-governing Region.
The event gathered Bánné dr. Gál Boglárka - President of the Borsod-Abaúj -Zemplén County (Hungary), Rastislav Trnka - President of the Košice Self-governing Region (Slovak republic ) and representatives of all small project ´s Lead Beneficiaries from Hungary and Slovak republic.
Director of EGTC Via Carpatia Julianna Orbán Máté welcomed all the guests. Mrs. Bánné dr. Gál Boglárka and Mr. Rastislav Trnka underlined the importance of cross – border cooperation in their solemn speeches and congratulated all the successful beneficiaries.
Together 22 Subsidy contracts was given to Lead Beneficiaries during this ceremony for a total amount of EUR 1 200 000.
Together 8 small projects aiming at the nature and culture and 14 small projects aiming at the cross border inter-institutional cooperation and broadening cross border cooperation between citizens have received the EU contribution in the first assessment round of 2nd call for proposals.
Under the second category, the „The Chance for Disadvantaged Children” project was awarded too, that will be implemented in the Eastern-Hungary and Kosice Regions, 1 February 2020 – 31 January 2021.
The basic goal of the project is to contribute to the improvement of life chances of disadvantaged children (incl. marginalized Roma) through having an impact on the development of early age/early childhood interventions, services, institutions and systems, especially through expanding the capacities of social, educational and civic professionals of this field working in the Slovak-Hungarian border area.
The project is implemented by the Kárpátok Alapítvány – Magyarország Carpathian Foundation-Hungary in partnership with the Karpatská nadácia/Carpathian Foundation in Slovakia, total grant amount is 49 992,70 EUR.
The “Chance for children from disadvantaged backgrounds“ FMP-E/1901/4.1/015 project is supported by the European Union, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, through the support of the Slovakia-Hungary Interreg V A Program Small Project Fund.
For more information:
www.viacarpatia-spf.eu and www.skhu.eu