On March 4-5, 2020, a two day long training session was organized by the Carpathian Foundation-Hungary for invited early childhood professionals working with/for disadvantaged communities, families, and youngsters in the Northeast-Hungarian region.
On the first day of the session, Dr. Szilvia Gyurkó, children's rights legal expert, founder of The Hintalovon Children's Rights Foundation, conducted a workshop to the participants. Main topics that were jointly encountered by the participants were child protection, the domestic child protection system, and its main actors. We got to know how the child protection system works in Hungary, and how we can interfere if needed. The psychology and different forms, main signs of harassment and abuse were also discussed and all the related responsibilities and tasks of the affected professionals were also argued in details.
During the training, participants could also receive answers to child protection issues related to their work, particularly related to how to address and resolve issues related to children, how to recognize and address special situations, and clarify roles and responsibilities.
On the second day of the training session, Éva Szomor, a prominent domestic and international early childhood development expert, gave a presentation on the different stages of the childhood, the main characteristics of each stage, and then identified and presented the age characteristics of children. Through joint exercises participants could also identify the main age characteristics of children that are essential to be taken into account during their development and by the experts, practitioners that supports the development process of children and their parents.
We also covered behavioral problems (intolerance, impulsivity, inattention, disturbing other children) of children who hadn’t have proper development of motion or faced cognitive problems. Éva showed many examples of how small steps can be used to help raise skill levels by these activities in order to improve children’s overall behavior, reducing their frustration levels and increasing their confidence.
The “Chance for children from disadvantaged backgrounds“ FMP-E/1901/4.1/015 project is supported by the European Union, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, through the support of the Slovakia-Hungary Interreg V A Program Small Project Fund.