This is the title of a study commissioned by the Carpathian Foundation and its cross-border partner, Karpatska nadácia, which provides a thorough overview of the characteristics, results and shortcomings of early childhood interventions, services and programs in Hungary and Slovakia (especially in the Hungarian-Slovak border region).
The study presents the legal frameworks and target groups of Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), summarizes the experiences and results of public, private and civic interventions and dilemmas, including well-functioning or adaptable practices in these two countries.
The studies were presented on 29 October 2020 as part of our exclusive cross-border (bilingual) online event with more than 100 participants. In a 20-minute talk, the authors of the study (Petra Melikantova and Farkas Zsombor) presented early childhood education: education and care systems, institutions, main programs and initiatives in the two countries to those interested in this field. The presentations were followed by questions from the audience, which were answered satisfactorily by the authors.
After that, a professional roundtable discussion was held on the chances of disadvantaged children in the border region. The discussion was moderated by Laura Dittel. PHD Zsombor Farkas, author of the study, and special education teacher and pedagogy expert PHD Éva Szomor were present as Hungarian experts. Slovakia was represented by Miroslav Cangár, Director of the Social Services Department, The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) and Alexander Mušinka, cultural anthropologist and co-author of the study.
The event was opened and closed by Boglárka Bata, director of the Carpathians Foundation.
The recording of the event is available on these links (both in Hungarian and in Slovakian - with simultaneous interpretation)
Short summary in Hungarian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVcGghTDOEA&t=18s
Stream SK: https://vimeo.com/473176818/a76bc3d376
Stream HU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FW4BaMztDMc&t=2s
In addition to the online presentation, an offline event was held in Eger (Hotel Eger). In accordance with the maximum number of people required by the epidemiological regulations, 26 (civil experts from the area) people attended the workshop. During the break of the event, an interactive presentation was made by the Lamenda Foundation, through which Montessori learning tools were presented to the public. Photos taken at the event are available HERE.
The studies can be downloaded below.
The project entitled “Chance for Disadvantaged Children”, FMP-E / 1901 / 4.1 / 015 is implemented with the financial support of the European Union, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme.