Effective early interventions

30 Jan, 2021

Early childhood is crucial for all, this sensitive period and the impacts humans experience in this stage is a determining factor for a life course. Early development is shaped by various factors like the lifestyle and conditions of parents, experiences in infancy, caring relationships, family environments, physical and built environments, community environments, environmental toxins, nutrition, stress, and poverty. 

Stable and secure environment necessary for proper early development is often not or less available for families living in adversity for several different but mostly structural reasons. Children experiencing toxic stress, poverty and deprivation in early years most probably will suffer hardly compensable shortcomings. They will become class repeaters, early school leavers and unemployed - those who hardly find their place and paths in the world. Without proper compensation, and mitigation of socio-economic shortcomings, disadvantages; insecurity, social exclusion, and poverty will be transmitted across generations.

Investing in quality early childhood is the most efficient development both in social and economic terms, since it creates foundations necessary for successful progress and social cohesion along the life course, overall, it contributes to an inclusive and fair society, therefore early investment is the interest of all of us. 

Therefore we would like to share our publication with the aim to present civic initiatives, successfully running projects and good practices which support early childhood development of children living in poverty in Hungary.

The “Chance for children from disadvantaged backgrounds“ FMP-E/1901/4.1/015 project is supported by the European Union, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, through the support of the Slovakia-Hungary Interreg V A Program Small Project Fund.

