
We support early cildhood development of nearly 300-400 disadvantaged children

In 2018, the Carpathian Foundation-Hungary launched its ‘Building Capacities for Effective Early Childhood Development of Marginalized Roma in Hungaryprogram. On May 10, 2019, the Foundation's Board of Directors within the framework of a program running for two years now, approved a grant of cca.


Training about early intervention

A two day long training was organized by the Foundation on 26-27 March 2019, Noszvaj for the representatives of grantees of our program "Building Capacities for Effective Early Childhood Development of Marginalized Roma in Hungary". The training was led by Eva Szomor, ECD expert, and the main topics were how to organize programs for the smallest ones (0-3 years old children), how to cooperate with parents and how to develop parental cognitions and competencies effectively in marginalized Roma communities. 

We hope participants found the training useful. 


Successful 2-day training

The 1st session of two-day training course within our programme called ‚Building Capacities for Effective Early Childhood Development of Marginalized Roma in Hungary’ was successfully organized in Noszvaj on 18-19 September 2018. 11 out of 12 supported civic Roma and pro-Roma organisations were represented at the training course led by Éva Szomor. On the 1st day participants attended lectures on the course of normal childhood development, and the development of language and communication skills.


2 more beneficiaries receive grants to support early childhood development of marginalized Roma children

The Board of Directors of the Carpathian Foundation-Hungary awarded 5000-5000 EUR grants to two additional Roma and pro-Roma nonprofit organizations on 8 September 2019 in the frame of the „Building Capacities for Effective Early Childhood Development of Marginalized Roma in Hungary” program.


Study trip in Slovakia

2019. május 6-án és 7-én két napos szakmai tanulmányúton vettünk részt Szlovákiában a „Roma gyerekek korai képességgondozásához szükséges helyi kapacitások fejlesztése” elnevezésű programunk keretein belül a programban részt vevő civil szervezetek tagjaival, munkatársaival, önkénteseivel. A két nap során Velke’Idara, Dobsinára és Rankovcére/Kecerovcére látogatott el a magyarországi csoport, ahol több sikeres roma integrációs célú civil szervezettel, kezdeményezéssel ismerkedhettünk meg.