
Hírek - News

Professional article published about our foundation

About our ISSA membership

Professional meeting in Eger

On August 25-26, in the framework of a two-day professional meeting in Eger

Early childhood development in the shadow of COVID

With this publication, we would like to present good practices, projects and the work of non-governmental organizations implementing them

Effective early interventions

A publication has been produced as part of the “Opportunity for Disadvantaged Children” project, which can also be viewed in this article.

No child left behind?!– a study presentation

No child left behind?!– a study presentation

From baby blanket…

The portal www.odperinky.sk was founded by the Carpathian Foundation in cooperation with the Ekopolis Foundation within the framework of the Program for the Development of Roma Communities, which both foundations have been implementing for four years. 

Communication in conflict

The two-day seminar met the expectations of the participants, as in addition to the theory, the participants could explore conflict resolution and try out conflict solving techniques. The Carpathian Foundation will continue in organizing these educational activities.

Training for early childhood professionals

On March 4-5, 2020, a two day long training session was organized by the Carpathian Foundation-Hungary for invited early childhood professionals working with/for disadvantaged communities, families, and youngsters in the Northeast-Hungarian region.

Project has been successfully launched

On 10th February 2020 Lead Beneficiaries of small projects took over their Subsidy Contracts for small projects during the ceremony that was held in Office of the Košice Self-governing Region.

Cooperation for disadvantaged children

In 2020 February, we started to implement a new cross-border project with our sister organisation, Karpatska nadáciá, entitled ”Chances for Disadvantaged Children” with the aim to improve the quality of early nterventions in the Slovak-Hungarian border region.