From the Alps to the Carpathians







About the project

Full name of the project: "From the Alps to the Carpathians - strengthening governence models for sustainable development of mountain areas in Central Europe"

Source of funding: European Regional Development Fund Interreg Central Europe Programme 2021-2027

Implementation period: 01/04/2023-31/03/2026


Project partners:

1. Rzeszów County/Powiat Rzeszowski –Poland- lead partner -

2. Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland /Stowarzyszenie Euroregion Karpacki Polska (Poland) -

3. Association of Towns and Communities of Slovakia/Združenie miest a obcí Slovenska (Slovakia) -

4. Carpathian Foundation - Hungary -

5. Association of Regional Brands/Asociace regionálních značek, z.s. (Czech Republic) -

6. Foundation of Landscape Protection/Fundacja Ochrony Krajobrazu (Poland) -

7. Eurac research (Italy) -

8. Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia/Istituto di Sociologia Internazionale di Gorizia (Italy) -

9. EGTC Alpine Pearls ltd /EVTZ Alpine Pearls mbH (Austria) -

10. CIPRA International Lab (Austria) -

11. Brasov County/Judetul Brasov (Romania). -

Total value of the project: EUR 2,334,902.00 (80% co-financing)


The purpose of the project:

Strengthening and improving governance models in the Alpine-Carpathian mountain areas of Central Europe, with particular emphasis on cross-border and transnational cooperation structures for solving common challenges for the sustainable development of mountain regions. As a result, cross-border areas and communities in the Alps and Carpathians will benefit from strengthened structures for long-term cooperation using a modern approach (participatory - involving young people, multi-level, multi-sector).


Idea and short description of the project:

The Central Mountains project addresses the challenge of achieving long-term, sustainable cooperation across borders in mountainous areas through improved governance structures and processes that are key to strengthening regional development and cohesion across borders. These cross-border and transnational cooperation structures will support autonomous operation and continuous coordination rather than working in project cycles solely dependent on EU funds. The innovation of the project lies in the innovativeness of its transnational approach (Alpine-Carpathian perspective) and results focused on governance structures.

In the project, the Carpathians Foundation is responsible for development of the Carpathian Civil  Society Platform, which aims to expand and operate a cross-border cooperation network to support and increase the effectiveness of cooperation between rural CSOs and other organisations working with equal opportunities target groups (young people, people living in poverty, excluded Roma, people with disabilities, etc.).

Project activities:

- Participation in the development of two action plans:

         o Development of sustainable tourism in the Carpathians,

         o involving citizens in decision-making processes in the mountainous areas of the Carpathians

- Contributing to the creation of the Carpathian Sustainable Tourism Platform

- Participation in study tours with our partners, organisation of study tours in Hungary

- Participation in the organisation and implementation of public events Road Shows



More information of the project in English:


"The Hungarian partner's participation in the project is co-financed by the Hungarian State."

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